I work for Snopes as the lead developer supporting our fact checking initiatives
View work historySnopes
Fact Checking
Proper Media
Video Games
Personal Site Build
There are a few technologies that I have wanted to work with or extend my knowledge around, so I set out to do them on my personal website.
View project on GithubWhat I have been working on
Block Editor Migration
It was a fair amount of work to migrate Snopes to the block editor since they have a lot of content that was written with the classic editor. The project was too big for me to handle alone, so we hired a project manager and a couple of developers from Human Made for five, two-week sprints. Click here to read more about the Block Editor migration work
Personal Site Build
There are a few technologies that I have wanted to work with or extend my knowledge around, so I set out to do them on my website. To avoid maintaining a database, I chose not to use WordPress or another CMS. Using Webpack and Markdown files; I built a static site generator. It can be committed to Github and requires little maintenance. The infrastructure is defined in Javascript and provisioned in AWS using Pulumi. Click here to read more about the how this site was built